In order to assess different camera shots and angles to determine the story, the project needed an establishing shot. The story took place in school, so I took a long shot of the school building with the name. Then, for the viewers to understand that the story takes place during school time, we assembled a long shot image of the door indicating that the character is going in. The door can symbolize a series of possible events that could take place in a day.
Afterwards, the extreme closeup of the clock handle on the time class starts specifying that students should be prepared and in their seat. There is a variation of medium and close-up shots of the student “supposedly” doing the assignment, but instead the student is doodling. Then, a two-shot image of her friend inputting in the creativity. The other student gets in trouble by the teacher and the angles of her and the teacher establish who has the upper hand in the situation: the teacher. Consequently, viewers understand that the over shoulder angle shows that the student is being scolded by the teacher.
To create this project, me and my partner had to think of how the viewers would approach each image. The high angle image of the teacher and low angle of the student right after each other show that the student is not doing the task assigned. Then, the over side of the door where the student is being scolded is meant to display the expressions. When taking these into consideration, it conveys the message better.
I believe as we were immersed in creating the project, we did not convey a clear macro analysis. Overall, the production of the story felt concise, and the viewers can understand the plot line. There are numerous things that should have been taken account for before and after, but the execution of shots was present.