Sunday, February 25, 2024

Process :)

 Stop MOTionnn💫

I love stop motion! I feel like it is such a cute and fun technique, and it will certainly draw an audience’s attention. 

——> This is the app that I will be using!

I have used it before. It is really easy for beginners and has some beneficial features for opening scenes. One can add multitude of clips, move them around, add titles and credits, audio, and much from.

—————>This is an example of the layout. 

A lot of people told me it is time consuming and while I think that is true, I feel like my approach to this does not require perfect alignment of shots. I think the sequence can be sloppy in an intentional way, since the purpose of using stop motion is to show intervals of chaotic symbolism as the object moves diagonally upwards. I do not meant sloppy as in messy, but I mean that it does not have to precise, just smooth! 

I recorded a 2 second example to show my mom. She then understood what I was trying to say. I used my computer mouse as an example of the object: the cake. 


I definitely want to look into stop motion through YouTube Videos, just to make sure the beginning is perfect and I want to make sure it looks professional. SO, stay tuned! 

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