Sunday, March 10, 2024


 Ooo La La 💅

Hey Besties!!! 

Every great drama needs an oufit and appearnce ready to wow the audience. Costume design in one of the key details that create a character and tells us about their personal. I took the liberty to understand what colors would fit the idea I want to present to my viewers as well as key essential factors. 

Before I discuss these style choices, I wanted to research and understand what famous costume designers steps take when thinkning about these decisions. 

My Notes On Color From Class: 

Warm Hues:

Creates mood of excitement, warmth, creativity

Examples (1) 

Orange- Happy/confident/creative/adventorous/heat 
Red- Energy/dangerous/passion/power/excitement/war/blood/stimulating fast heartbeat/love/apetite stimulating

Cool Hues:

Creates passive, calming, concentration 

Examples (2) 

Green- Health/regeneration/contentment/harmony/wholesome/transportation/progress/movement  
Dark Green- Finance 
Lime Green- Freshness/health/vibrancy
Pink- feminity/comforting/tranquil
Blue- Clear thinkning/sad/depression/loyal/peace/bad omen
Violets- mystic/beauty/inspiration/wealth/regal/prestige/endeavors


Creates stability/balance

Examples (3)

Black- prestige/wealth/evil/villaneous/submission
White- innocence/purity/sterility/angelic 

This video helped me understand the don’ts: 

The list of don’ts explore details from makeup to outfits. 

These are my notes: 

- No stripes/bold patterns
- Do not wear shiny lipstick! 
- No noisy necklaces 
- Avoid Logos 
- Fitted/Structures outfits/ Less loose

Another video talks about a costume designer’s insight: 

I like how this video talks about how background context can affect a character’s wardrobe. This video talks about how wardrobe can become iconic to tell someone’s story, so even if it seems bizarre in the real world, it will seem natural on screen. It discusses how you can create that even in a low budget. 

One video I liked that talked about movie costume design: 

My Notes: 

- Costume sets tone/era
- Story-tell
- Can show development 
- Bold statements 
- Can show something or show something that is not there but is meant to be. 

Overall, this is how I plan to focus on costuming. 

In my film, I told my actors what outfits they should come prepared. Luckily, I don’t need to create outfits because I plan to create a modern, ordinary, everyday relatable outfits. However, I plan to overstate one piece of costume desigh: the rings. Since the main characters are married, but have troubles, I can signify how one of the married couple is not wearing their ring. James will not wear his ring, but Mary will. Since Mary does not know that James has no hope for their relationship and that he is distancing himself completely, she will wear the ring. She knows he is not wearing the ring, which causes more tension. Both of their rings are different, so this showcases how they are different as persons. James rimg is not a typical wedding ring because they were married young and he gave her his mother’s ring, which is why Mary cherishes it so much. I plan to signify the esscense of teh rings at the beggining. So I made the change of showcasing the cake more, but the rings! This way it will focus of their marriage falling apart, and less on the birthday event. 

In terms of Mary, she will wear a modern brown/beige/white outfit, creating a clean and mature look. She wants everything perfect for her daughter, so her outfit provides a warm face look. I want her expressions to be evident in the camera shots. James, will wear beige pants, to showcase a the cooperative look that parents do: matching outfits. He will wear a black shirt, formal enough to look like a dad. Since my actor has a young face look, I want to create an older look as well a distant and contrasting color away from his daughter and wife. His daughter, Grace, will wera bright colors. Pink demonstrates innocence and sensitivity. It also showcases the cute kid who is excited for their birthday, filling the room with joy. Lynda, wil wear yellow shirt and dark red lipstick. This will create a danger uneasy feeling for the audience. 


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